week 6 – adding custom theme, learning flexbox

The problem with the sass imports from previous week turned out to be serious, but I finally fixed it. I paste the solution in previous post under the description of the problem. Sadly, I spent almost the entire second week in a row on it. Honestly, it drained my motivation a bit, but I tried to fix it for at least two hours a day and finally found a solution.
After configuring Angular Material fully, I learned how to create custom themes and use them in other components. I’m still not sure about the colors I used in the theme, but I try not to focus too much on it at this (early) stage of the project. I also rewritten almost all the components with Anular Material features like snack-bar and dialog (modal).

what did I do last week?

๐Ÿ”ถ fix sass problem
๐Ÿ”ถ added custom Angular theme
๐Ÿ”ถ added snack-bar with the answer result
๐Ÿ”ถ added modal with explanation
๐Ÿ”ถ learned flexbox basics

what was the biggest impediment?

The biggest impediment was the same as last week – Angular Material configuration and problem with sass imports.

what is the plan for next week?

  • add minimum 5 questions to each category
  • fix start page layout
  • add results view after finishing the last question from category
  • design and start to implement login screen & account creation component

time spent

  • from last week
    12h 30m
  • overall
    71h 30m


  • from last week
  • overall
    32 $


After going through some configuration issues with Angular Material and Sass, I think the progress of the project will be more visible in the coming days.

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