week 17 – admin rights, http only, more questions

Superb week for the app πŸŽ†. I spent half as much time as in the previous week, but I managed to finish many things that I had been thinking about for a long time. I’m especially happy with the introduction of roles and moving token storage to an http-only cookie. The latter will definitely increase the level of security in my application πŸ”’.
I haven’t spent as much time as usual on development as I have started another project in parallel, but the official release of Codendella is still my main goal.

what was done last week?

  • UI was adapted for longer questions and answers
  • admin panel was made available only for users with admin rights
  • JWT tokens were moved to HTTP only cookies (increased security)
  • more questions were added
  • bugs with refresh token were fixed

what was the biggest impediment?

I spent most of the time on fixing the refresh token bug. Long story short, I refreshed tokens using auth-guard (during checking if the user can open the next component) but I should have done this using http interceptor which is inovked on every request.

what is the plan for next week?

  • validations for the registration form
  • reset password feature
  • fix some smaller security gaps

time spent

  • from last week
    10h 30m
  • overall
    239h 30m


  • from last week
    0 $
  • overall
    32 $


It’s almost ready, but there are still a few necessary things to do. I know that next week I won’t have enough time to complete all the tasks planned, but in two weeks I want to make a small official launch πŸš€.

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