week 12 – introducing to Azure

I’m very happy with what I’ve done the past week. Finishing the refresh tokens mechanism went very quickly and I finally started to move my application to Azure I was even able to successfully deploy the backend part of it πŸš€.
I understand that may not sound like a really big thing but after learning Angular and implementing token authorization, hosting on Azure was the last milestone for me as I didn’t have much experience with it.
Therefore, I spent most of my time reading documentation and articles with comparisons of individual hosting solution. For now, my goal is to learn by doing, so I wanted to deploy my app most quickly with as few things to configure as possible. I will focus on the configuration more precisely when needed.

what did I do last week?

  • finished & tested the refresh token mechanism (it is working automatically finally)
  • implemented notification service (using Angular Material’s snackbars)
  • read a lot about Azure and all its functionalities, I have also discussed the best possible way to deploy my app with someone more experienced than me
  • split project into two separate repositories (backend/frontend)
  • move backend API part to Azure πŸ™Œ

what was the biggest impediment?

The number of Azure features was quite overwhelming at first. It was hard for me to find the best solution for my application (.NetCore Web API as well as Angular) but I thought that it would take me longer to make something work on Azure.

what is the plan for next week?

  • host Angular web app on Azure as Static Web App
  • find the best solution for storing data on Azure (for now I plan to migrate the local MS SQL database)
  • replace Azure url with my custom domain
  • find the best solution for adding new questions (check if Azure has some special feature for adding SQL inserts in more efficient way)

time spent

  • from last week
    11h 30m
  • overall
    161h 30m


  • from last week
    0 $
  • overall
    32 $


I hope that deploying Angular and the database on Azure will go as smoothly as Web API and I will be able to show the first version of the app to the first beta testers (I want to show it to my friends who are programmers first) before the end of the year πŸ™.

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