I haven’t accomplished much in the last two weeks because I was sick. I feel better now and I hope to post regularly once a week from now on
1. Online course
what was done last week?
- I prepared a script for a video ad
- I recorded the first part of the video and learn how to do a simple edit of it
what is the plan for next week?
- Record the full video ad
2. Codingella mobile
what was done last week?
- not started 🙁
what is the plan for next week?
- Research on the best technology to use. I think a javascript-based framework would be the best choice in my case as I want to become a full stack developer
3. YouTube channel
what was done last week?
- I found the software for editing the videos
what is the plan for next week?
- Think of the first 10 videos I can create
4. Leetcode, Programming theory
what was done last week?
- I solved a few single-linked list questions but still, I don’t feel confident with it
what is the plan for next week?
- Keep solving single-linked list questions
5. CS50 Course
what was done last week?
- I have started the second week and watched 1h of lecture about arrays
what is the plan for next week?
- Finish week 2 (lecture, lab and problem set)