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1. Online course
what was done last week?
- Server, domain, and necessary plugins bought
- I learned the basics of OptimizePress
- The first version of the sales page for the course was created
what is the plan for next week?
- Design the upsell product and create a sales page for it
- Connect an e-mail marketing service to the funnel
2. Languive (mobile app for learning English using AI)
what was done last week?
- I configured Flutter locally
- Created a simple app using Flutter
what is the plan for next week?
- Develop a simple structure of MVP
3. YouTube channel
what was done last week?
- I have only come up with a name for the channel
what is the plan for next week?
- Prepare content for the first episode
4. Leetcode, Programming theory
what was done last week?
- I changed my approach and started to solve the most common interview questions from LeetCode
- I solved 4 easy ones (unfortunately not on my own)
what is the plan for next week?
- I want to prepare a piece of code for the most popular Design Patterns and Solid principles and treat it like a cata
- prepare cata for the builder pattern
5. CS50 Course
what was done last week?
- I planned it for the weekend but I was busy with other things this weekend
what is the plan for next week?